175th Celebration 2025 will mark the 175th anniversary of St. James Parish's founding in the year 1850. A year long observance is planned, starting July 28, 2024, at the Mass for St. James feast day, and culminating at the feast day Mass on July 27, 2025. The biblical verse that has been chosen to mark this year is from Psalms 126:3. "The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."
Plans are being made to commemorate this milestone with different activities that should appeal to everyone:
MassTwo bishops will preside at a 10:00am celebratory Mass on July 27, 2025: Bishop David Ricken, of the Green Bay Diocese, and Bishop Frank Dewane, priest son of St. James, now assigned to the Diocese of Venice in Florida. Father Brian Belongia and Father Bill O'Brien will concelebrate.
Prayer Booklet Parishioners and friends of St. James will be writing original prayers that will be combined into a booklet and then distributed at the 2025 culmination event.
Original prayers may be submitted by using the form at the bottom of this page.
Prayers & Principles is an activity for school aged children to participate in. It involves learning the basics of the Catholic Faith the same way as done in years ago. There are handouts for parents to help guide their youngsters.
Engraved PlaqueA large plaque is being created that will contain the names of all the previous pastors and administrators who led St. James Parish. There are 40 people listed. The plaque will remain on display at the parish.
From the Archivesis a monthly blurb in the church bulletin. Research is on-going to find interesting tidbits of information about what our forefathers were experiencing.
MassTwo bishops will preside at the celebratory Mass on July 27, 2025: Bishop David Ricken, of the Green Bay Diocese, and Bishop Frank Dewane, priest son of St. James, now assigned to the Diocese of Venice in Florida. Father Brian Belongia and Father Bill O'Brien will concelebrate.
Celebration ActivitiesFollowing Mass there will be an afternoon of entertainment for all:
Music with Mark Jirikovec band
Photo booth
Historical displays
Bounce Houses and Family games
Lunch and beverages
Cake and ice cream
Souvenir items including a magnetic 2025 calendar, commemorative pens, a magnetic card with the scriptural verse on it, and can cozies
Other plans are still being developed--stay tuned!
We sincerely hope that you will join us for this festive celebration.