Our Mission... is to live out the life of Jesus in Prayer, building His Church, and freeing all people to live in His love. Our lives are centered on teaching and witnessing the Word of God. Our purpose as the people of God is to allow the Spirit of Jesus, who is living in each of us, to bring about healing unity in our Parish family freeing us for greater spiritual growth.
St. Joseph Parish in Northwest Manitowoc County is located in Kellnersville on the corner of Main Street (County K) and Tower Avenue (County T). Established in 1870, this rural Catholic community has grown through adversity and faith. Visit our history page for the complete story.
Stewardship is our foundation. Through the support of our parish community, we stive to promote spiritual growth for all ages bringing the Word of God to our little ones through Church Time during Sunday Mass, Religious Education and Sacrament preparation for children in grades 1 through 11, and opportunities for spiritual enrichment for adults. Parish members step forward to fill the needs of our parish through community outreach, liturgical ministry, worship, fund-raising and much more. The menu options to the left provide a list of our ministries, committees, events, calendars plus other resources and information.
St Joseph Parish business office is located at 522 Tower Avenue (Note: mailing address is PO Box 27, Kellnersville, WI 54215-0027)
Regular office hours (during summer; please call ahead):
Monday thru Thursday 8:00am to Noon
Friday - open by appointment