liturgical ministers at mass

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion ~ Here at Saint James Church, these ministers assist the priest and deacon with the distribution of the Eucharist at Mass. Volunteers for this role must be in good standing with the Catholic Church and be approved by the pastor. Parish instruction is provided by Monica Winnekens, EMCH Coordinator and Sacristan.

    Ushers ~ Ushers are called upon to provide a special service of hospitality They assist people to find seating when the church is seemingly full. And should an urgent situation occur, they are the “first responders” to assist with medical or other vital care. In addition to this important duty, they are responsible for taking up the collection during Mass. Both men and women are eligible for this role. The coordinator is John Heiser.


  • Altar Servers ~ This is an important ministry of both prayer and service. Altar servers assist the priest at the altar and in other ways during Mass or other liturgical gatherings. Servers are called to be visible models of a prayerful spirit. Both boys and girls in Grade 4 and above may be servers, as well as teens and adults. The coordinator is Renee Swetlik. Training is provided.

    Lectors ~ This ministry offers members of the parish the opportunity to minister by proclaiming the Word of God. A reader spreads the Good News and gives witness to the central role of God's Word in the life of the Church. They assist with the Saturday evening and Sunday Masses. Volunteers who have good reading skills and clear voices are needed. Leroy Kane is the scheduler, and training is provided.

    Hospitality Greeters ~ Greeters can be single people, couples, or families with children. They greet others with a smile or handshake at the entrances as they arrive for Mass, to make them feel welcome and a part of our community. They pass out bulletins and missalettes.  No training is needed—just be yourself! Diane Kane is the scheduler. (We are not utilizing greeters during the pandemic.)

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